Book One

West Point
"A Full Measure" TRILOGY
The trilogy ‘A Full Measure is a tale of honorable military commitment, love, and conflict for those reconstructing the U.S. military as terrorism redefined enemies foreign and domestic. The setting brings to life the turmoil that a military member faced by his civilian peers in a hostile antiwar environment, and the evolution of a current-day mission.
“West Point” takes the reader to the United States Military Academy (USMA) to step into the humor, and heartbreak of the daily life that slowly develops the panache of a West Point leader of the Vietnam Era. Of the same development came the likes of Lee, Jackson, Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Bradley, Patton, Schwarzkopf, and many more from the ranks of the Long Gray Line. Graduates receive their degree, but unlike a college, there is but one mission, and that mission is to produce outstanding officers in the combat arms.
Join John Paul “Jake” Jacobs and Patrick McSwain building and unbreakable bond as they overcome the challenges of West Point. Anyone who, even briefly, considered attending one of the service academies, or one even remotely connected to the military will enjoy this captivating read. The reader is likely to laugh, be exhilarated by the tale, and maybe shed a tear or two.